About Us at Waterfallz.com

Bearded man and lady at Panther Creek Falls in Georgia

New Beginnings

Hi, I'm Chris.  Let me tell you about us, the waterfallz.com team, real quick...

It was February of 2014 and we were on our first waterfall hike together. Wait! Let me back up a bit...

You see, just a few months earlier, I met the most wonderful, intriguing woman, online of all places. She was truly unlike anyone I had ever met. Her name...Frankie.

We met in person the night I got my first tattoo and hit it off well.

We went a few places and I figured out right away that she loved to hike with her constant companion, Manson, her awesome Cocker Spaniel.

Frankie and Manson atop Triple Falls in North Carolina

I had already begun reconnecting with my childhood love of the outdoors after my divorce, and Manson and I became fast friends, so this was perfect.

At one point, she invited me on a waterfall hike with some of her friends. Of course, I accepted. I would have been crazy not to.

We all had an amazing time. After we all took many photos and selfies, as I stood in wonder below this magnificent wall of water cascading down the rocks in front of me, I remember saying something like, "I never knew there were awesome waterfalls like this so close to home." Then, Frankie said to me, "Stick with me kid! There are many more!"

woman and dog at waterfall
man and woman on snowy trail
Dude showing out on the falls

About Us - The Adventures Really Begin

Lots of guys asked Frankie out...most to do the typical things, dinner and a movie, etc.

Somehow, (I like to think it was God intervening) I got it right by researching and planning waterfall hikes to invite her on...with Manson right out front on the trails, of course!

I figured out quickly that this was the thing that I could almost always get her to agree to do in order to spend time with her and get to know her.

We became best friends by working out at her favorite boot camp, biking, doing cool Spartan Races together, and chasing waterfalls (which became the favorite).

Tragedy Strikes One Snowy Christmas Day

cocker spaniel in hammock near waterfall

Christmas of 2017 started out as one of the most perfect days ever.

We enjoyed some family time together with Frankie's parents and headed for the mountains.

The three of us had a great day out on the trails together, running, playing in the snow, taking great photos of each other, even swinging out over the water underneath the falls.

In hindsight, Mannie Boy (that was one of Manson's many nick names), acted a little aloof at times or maybe contemplative is a better way of saying it.

Well, once we got into the car and started off the mountain, he started having some sort of seizures and though we prayed and cried and loved on him, we were too far from help and he passed in her arms.

That day changed a lot about us both, especially Frankie.  Manson was her constant other than the Lord Jesus himself.  The hurt was deep and painful and forever changed the dynamic of our team, our family.

Time and Things Change...But Some Remain

couple smiling at lake and waterfall

Since the beginning all those years ago, Frankie and I have gone through many good, bad, and some very ugly times together...and sometimes apart.

Addiction, multiple job losses, death, and restoration of faith to name just a few.

But one thing about us has remained constant...we always love traveling and water-falling together, hence...waterfallz.com...and the rest of the story...

Tying It All Together - Waterfallz.com

In February of 2020, on a dream trip to Oregon, and after many laborious logistics to make it happen...I proposed to Frankie at the foot of one of the most photographed waterfalls in the United States, Multnomah Falls.

Then, after much of the 2020 tribulation, we were married at the base of one of our favorites back home, Foster Falls.

man proposes marriage at Multnomah Falls
groom carries his bride at Foster Falls, Tennessee

Over the years, we've flown, driven, ran, biked, and hiked to hundreds of waterfalls.

Waterfallz.com is our attempt to record those travel photos, stories, and hiking adventures for ourselves, our posterity, and other hikers, waterfall lovers, world travelers, outdoor junkies, and plain ole wanna be's!

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